Symptoms of the Alt-Right

Tamil Nadu's alt-right political space now has a new entrant, and this group is the most fascist of all preceding experiments in that niche.

An emerging leader of the Alt-Right space, who has built his cult among the young through fiery orations recently mooted the argument that 'conformist totalitarian loyalty' to his leadership is key for being a party member. By his own words, he intends to be a benevolent dictator and debunks the need for a tertiary government at the local level. Well, for people with such notions, democratic politicking is only a means to get to power and retain the same, and not a living doctrine for governance that needs to be adhered to all throughout. In a recent interview of the same leader, his message was even more clear: "Voicing dissent against his ways is treachery to his leadership and thereby the party organization. Treachery to the party organization is treachery to the ideological positions and the envisioned political goals of the party. By extrapolation, this is treachery to the larger Tamil population that the party seeks to represent." 

Well, if this sounds familiar, its because this is the textbook definition of Fascism - A political strand that holds the leader above all else as the infallible supreme. 

The toxic nature of the leader's political views are mere symptoms, and the actual problem of the right. With a proven 5% plus vote bank, the traction generated by the group can't be denied. The established players have shown prudence in not directly engaging them yet, as they are still too small. Nonetheless, completely ignoring the damage social damage being done by them wouldn't be prudent either. The establishment has to thus get innovate, if it has to restrict this undesirable political strain that is creating a considerable chunk of brainwashed zombies.

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